The Meet Your Instructor page includes your contact information, your background, and a picture of yourself.
Students need to know how to communicate with you and respect any specific contact preferences you may have. This helps you set boundaries and manage expectations with your students upfront. Additionally, this page introduces students to who you are.
Sharing background information about yourself and including your picture goes a long way in building a connection with your students and establishing your presence.
In your bio, you may want to include details such as your educational history, research interests, why you were drawn to your discipline, or any relevant personal details.

Meet Your Instructor Page
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<title>Meet Your Instructor</title>
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<div class="uacm-banner">
<img src=""
alt="A closeup of Saguaro cactus on the left. Wilbur Wildcat statue in the middle. A palm tree on the right. The background shows a clear and blue sky.">
<div class="uacm-container">
<h1 class="uacm-text-center">Meet Your Instructor</h1>
<div class="uacm-image centered image-width-60">
#ToDo: Add an image by clicking
<em>outside</em> the left edge of the image until you see
the blinking cursor. Remove placeholder image and todo note.
<img alt="placeholder"
src="" />
<h2 class="uacm-text-center">#ToDo: Add Full Name of
class="uacm-text-center uacm-text-big uacm-text-bold uacm-margin-bottom-0">
#ToDo: Add Role
class="uacm-text-center uacm-text-big uacm-text-bold uacm-margin-top-0">
#ToDo: Add College or Department
<h2>Contact Information</h2>
<p>As the course instructor, I am happy to take your
questions and comments throughout the course
period. You can call or email me and I will do my
best to respond to you within 48 hours. If you
should require a virtual office hours meeting,
please request an appointment during available
<p><strong class="uacm-text-azurite">Phone:</strong>
#ToDo: Add Phone Number
<p><strong class="uacm-text-azurite">Email:</strong>
#ToDo: Add Email
<p><strong class="uacm-text-azurite">Office
#ToDo: Add Office Hours
Schedule and Meeting Location</p>
<p>#ToDo: Add Bio/Introduction</p>
<p>#ToDo: Learn more about the <a target="_blank"
Your Instructor</a> template in the Course Maker