
Learn about the benefits and principles behind Course Maker



Faster Setup

Course Maker takes the monotonous, time-consuming work out of course site set up by providing a foundation to quickly create course sites that meet best practices for online teaching and learning.


Increased Accessibility

All aspects of Course Maker are designed to be accessible to all right out of the box. There are tips included in the Apply tab for each Page Templates and Building Blocks to help you maintain accessibility as you enter your course content and customize it with care.


Improved Usability

Course sites with consistent style, organization, layouts, and functions provide unity and consistency, which lowers the cognitive load and improves the user experience for both instructors and learners.



Ready-made modular blocks can be assembled in creative ways to produce unique pages so you can spend less energy on design, and focus more on course content.


Stronger Identity

A cohesive look/feel across all University of Arizona course sites inspires confidence. It strengthens pride in the institution and the Wildcat brand.



Course Maker uses a human-centered design approach that puts the needs of instructors and students first and invites them to join the ongoing creative process.

Style Guide

The Course Maker Starter Kit, Page Templates, and Building Blocks use a standardized style guide incorporating University of Arizona brand guidelines, website usability, and accessibility best practices.

Course Maker uses Lato, the D2L default, as the standard font family. The sizes of our headers were chosen to meet accessibility standards and best practices.

We use the color palette approved by University of Arizona Marketing & Brand Management. For more information, visit Our Brand - Colors.

Our design allows for ample white space that improves reading comprehension and makes it possible to assemble blocks in any order.